
Blog Managment

Every business has a marketing blog are launching every day. Right, from the big companies to even a kitchen table companies are using business blogs to get in front of new prospects and get hold of sales-ready leads and existing customers. A small business blog is capable of casting a wide net around the targeted audience. The concept is to fuel their interests, piquing their curiosity, and empowering them to make smarter decisions.

Key Aspect of Blogging

  • Strategic planning
  • Technical requirements and implementation
  • Tactical planning
  • Execution
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Continual improvement processes

Strategic Planning For Small Business Blogs

Most good business blogs were born from master plans developed in partnership with people very familiar with the overarching objectives of the business. A department manager may have a strong grasp on the expectations of a functional group, but at the strategic planning stage, one or more key executives should be involved in creating the framework that supports high-level key priorities.

To start off, a mix of relevant staff including marketing, sales, finance, service, and product or front-line staff can jump-start a series of collaborative discussions including

Situation analysis

What’s going on in the market? What’s the latest visitor survey say?

Competitive review

The good, The Bad, and The ugly of what the other business is doing. Do not replicate their efforts, however having awareness can generate relevant ideas.

Buyer personas (creation or affirmation)

Top 3 customer types. Start a conversation about those personas.

A detailed assessment of the prospective audience

Keeping buyers personas in mind, start cataloging high-level themes that these people might be interested in. Also, keep in mind How are other blogs meeting those information needs? How are the other blogs failing? What’s being missed by the other blogs as we look at the competition and marketplace?


Figured out your blog sweet spot yet? It falls somewhere between the information spectrum of the top three buyers type overlaid with the brand position.

Goals, including success metrics

It may be useful to select some baseline goals that can reflect your particular industry’s trends or the company’s financial performance. once You’ve identified the direction you want your blog to go, now start developing some relevant number of blogs to help track your progress.


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